Who Are Your Customers?
Any presentation of material is like a conversation. An effective speaker will choose what he (or she) has to say based on who he is and what he is offering. But he will formulate how he says it based on who his listener is.
Articulating the customer-perspective your website needs to speak to, will help your web designer and anyone else on your marketing team.
Who is your website for?
For Example:
- Are your customers adults, teenagers, or children?
- Are your customers already well-versed in the topic of your site? Or are they likely being introduced to what you are presenting for the first time?
- What role of their own will they have in mind while they look at your site, i.e. parent, contender, instructor, manager, consumer?
- Do your customers like to be excited by colorful, entertaining copy? Or are they more likely to be receptive to a tone of straight-up honesty without any fluff?